
Unlike most kids I knew, I loved attending religious services.  I was thrilled to begin formal religious studies at the age of six, and was more excited when at the age of fourteen I began studying comparative religion.  Following this interest, I received a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with an emphasis in Comparative Cultures and Religions, and enjoyed a second individualized major, Human Potential.  In 1984, I had the good fortune to meet a meditation master who has since graciously guided my spiritual practices and who has provided invaluable insights and knowledge.


For the past thirty-two years, I have practiced an ancient form of yoga which includes the universal techniques of prayer, contemplation, self-reflection, donation, selfless service, devotional singing, and daily meditation.  Throughout these years, I have been fortunate to attend multiple trainings and meditation retreats; and, I am especially grateful to have made pilgrimages to holy sites in India, Ireland, and Israel.


Personal Statement      Student of Philosophy & Religion      Student of Cultures      Volunteer      Artist

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